Gus Lynch is directing the Youth Theatre through a rehearsal. The cast is in place but the female le..
Strangefields Farm is notorious for its sinister history ever since serial killer Jackson Temples lu..
Sally Parker is struggling to find the hero inside herself. All she wants to do is lie down. Her hus..
In the morning they gave Reacher a medal. And in the afternoon they sent him back to school. Night ..
For vicar’s wife Dorothea Cassidy Thursdays were special. Every week she would look forward to the..
Jack Reacher walks alone. Once a go-to hard man in the US military police now he's a drifter of no f..
When irascible farmer Guy Beardon meets a very dirty death in his own farmyard it seems like an acci..
Who hanged the headmaster in the playground on the night of the school Hallowe'en Party? Almost ever..
It's December 1963 when Billy Hopkins and his wife Laura arrive home in Manchester after five years ..
When the body of a herdsman is discovered in a farm building Detective Sergeant Den Cooper is more t..
Murderous jihadists have been crossing the English Channel passing themselves off as asylum seekers...
They were meant to be safe on Fleet Ward: psychiatric patients monitored treated cared for. But now ..
It was on a Sunday night in 1928 that Billy Hopkins made his first appearance. Billy's tenement home..
After an epic and interrupted journey all the way from the snows of South Dakota Jack Reacher has fi..
Karen Slocombe isn’t sure why she visited SuperFare that day - as a committed member of the Food C..